Navigate to menu item Layer ▸ Rotate and Transform ▸ Scale and Rotate (⌘⇧T) to resize or scale a single layer in your image without affecting the dimensions of the entire image or other layers. Another option is to double click with the move tool on the layer you want to resize in the canvas, and transform handles will appear. To resize by removing the outer boundaries of the layer, use the crop tool. Select the crop tool and drag out a crop on the canvas. Hold down the option key then hit the return key, or use keyboard shortcut ⌘⌥⇧K. See also: Resizing, rotating, transforming, & aligning layers, Crop Tool.
Navigate to Image ▸ Resize Image (⌥⌘I) to resize the entire image. All layers contained in the image will be resized proportionally. To resize by removing outer areas of the image, use the crop tool. Select the crop tool and drag a crop across canvas. Resize the crop in the inspector palette or by clicking and dragging on crop boundaries. See Also: Resizing and Rotating Your Image and Canvas, Crop Tool, Cropping a Photo for Printing.
Navigate to Image ▸ Resize Canvas. This resizes Acorn’s canvas (the visible work space) around your image. Resize canvas essentially performs a non-destructive crop around the image. The area of your image that falls outside the canvas are retained for editing unless you select Image ▸ Trim to Edges. See Also: Resizing and Rotating Your Image and Canvas, Resizing the Canvas
Layer ▸ Rotate and Transform ▸ Scale and Rotate (⌘⇧T) will resize a selection and its contents. Alternatively, double click on a selection with the move tool to activate scale and rotate. To increase a selection boundary without affecting its contents use the keyboard arrow keys when a selection tool is active. An alternative is to use selection addition or subtraction modes. See also: Selections
If a shape is currently selected, you can adjust its dimensions in the inspector palette. Or use the move tool to select the shape then drag on the shape boundary to resize. See also: Shape editing
⌘ Command Key
^ Control Key
⌥ Option Key
⇧ Shift Key