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Command Bar

To show the command bar, use the File ▸ Command Bar menu item (shortcut key '/' or '⌘⇧O'). This will show a window where you can type menu names or other commands to perform an action, and even search Acorn's help.

Command Bar will auto-complete command names with a fuzzy search algorithm. So for instance, if you're wanting to use the Fill Layer command, you can type the letters "fil" and Acorn's Command Bar will figure out the rest for you. It will also show a list of other commands you can invoke that it thinks you might want. You can use the up and down arrow keys to select the various commands.

To search Acorn's help documentation using Command Bar, type an "h" (for Help) followed by a space and then the topic name. For instance, if you type "h crop" all documentation related to the crop tool will be listed in the results. Then you can select the topic and the relevant documentation will open in a browser.

Command Bar Actions

Some useful quick commands that only show up in the Command Bar:

  • Fill Layer
    Fills the current layer (or selection if there is one) with the current fill color
  • Fill Layer With Stroke Color
    Fills the current layer (or selection if there is one) with the current stroke color
  • Toggle Light / Dark Appearance
    This will swap between Acorn's dark and light Aqua interface
  • Toggle Float Palettes
    This will toggle Acorn's preference for having floating palettes, or having them attached to your current image window
  • Feather (10px radius)
    Feathers the current selection with a 10px radius
  • Use Pixels|Inches|Centimeters for Measurement
    This will change the current measure unit to either Pixels, Inches, or Centimeters
  • Toggle Stroke
    Turns off the stroke for the selected graphics
  • Toggle Fill
    Turns off the fill for the selected graphics
  • Lowercase Text
    Lowercases the text in selected text boxes
  • Uppercase Text
    Uppercases the text in selected text boxes
  • Capitalize Text
    Capitalizes the text in selected text boxes
  • Change Canvas Backdrop Color…
    Use a color picker to change the color of the canvas backdrop / gutter
  • Latest Release Notes (bleeding edge)
    Opens up the release notes for the beta version of Acorn
  • Toggle Y Origin
    Toggles the Y origin from the top left corner or bottom left corner**
  • Toggle Shape Processors
    Toggles on or off shape processors for the current shape layer
  • Toggle Layer Filters
    Toggles on or off the filters for the current layer
  • Show Typography Panel
    Brings up the system typography panel
  • Delete Hidden Layers
    Removes all the hidden layers in the current image
  • Show All Layers
    Turns the visibility on for any hidden layers
  • Hide All Layers
    Turns the visibility off for any hidden layers
  • New Image From Selected Layers
    Creates a new image using the selected layers
  • Toggle Show Menu in Full Screen
    Sets a preference where Acorn will show or hide the menubar when in full screen (requires a restart of Acorn)
  • Vertical Align Text Top
    Sets the vertical alignment to top for any selected text boxes
  • Vertical Align Text Middle
    Sets the vertical alignment to middle for any selected text boxes
  • Vertical Align Text Bottom
    Sets the vertical alignment to bottom for any selected text boxes
  • Maximize Window
    Sets the window size to the current display's dimensions
  • Select All Layers
    Selects all layers in the layers list
  • JavaScript Console
    Shows the JavaScript console, where you can find debug messages. This is useful for plugin authors or advanced users. Any output from JavaScript plugins will go here (via console.log())
  • HALD 16 | 25 | 64 | 144 LUT
    Make a new image for creating a 3d LUT (Lookup table)
  • Export LUT…
    Export the current image as a LUT
  • Extract Each Selected Shape to a New Layer
    Takes each selected shape and makes a new layer for it
  • Copy Bitmap Text to Clipboard
    Use AI to detect the text in a bitmap image and copy it to the clipboard
  • Trim To Inner Opaque Edges
    Trim an image to its innermost opaque edges
  • Copy As HTML img Tag @1x | @2x | @3x
    Copy an img src tag to the clipboard using the current image dimensions
  • Crop Square | 4x6 | 2x3 | Etc…
    Add a new crop guide to your image with the various dimensions