VoodooPad Plugins

VoodooPad 2.0 now provides plugin support (VoodooPad Lite does not). To install a plugin, simply download an archive listed below, unzip/unstuff it, and double click the plugin. VoodooPad will then place it in your plugins folder (located in ~/Library/Application Support/VoodooPad/PlugIns). To uninstall a plugin, quit VoodooPad and then remove the plugin from your PlugIns folder.

If you are interested in developing VoodooPad plugins, please visit the plugin development page

Extract Images
Download: ExtractImages.dmg OS: 10.3.5+
Submenu: Miscellaneous Maintainer: gus@flyingmeat.com
Extract Images will add a plugin that will let you extract all the images in a page to the place of your choosing. Actually- it'll extract any file attachment in there, but you've probably only got images in.
Hot Key
Download: HotKey.dmg OS: 10.2.8+
Submenu: Miscellaneous Maintainer: gus@flyingmeat.com
The Hot Key plugin lets you assign a hot key to VoodooPad, which when pressed from any application will bring VoodooPad to the front. It is very useful for people who like to take down notes quickly.
HTML Tools
Download: HTMLTools.dmg OS: 10.2.8+
Submenu: HTML Maintainer: gus@flyingmeat.com
HTML Tools provides a preview window for interpreting the current page as HTML. It also provides an option to markup the text as Textile
Script Stuff
Download: ScriptStuff.dmg OS: 10.3.5+
Submenu: Script Maintainer: gus@flyingmeat.com
Script Stuff provides two actions under the Script menu. The first on is "Execute as AppleScript", which will take the contents of the current page and run it like you would in ScriptEditor. The second function is "Format as Python", which will take the front page and colorize it like it is a python script. Make sure the preference "Allow manual underlining and font color changes" is enabled first.