
VPStash is a lightweight cgi script written in python that acts as a very simple wiki. While it doesn't support nearly as many features as most wikis, it does have a couple of redeaming qualities. It's very simple to install and use, and it works with VoodooPad as a document store. VoodooPad can connect to it using the "vpwiki" protocol to retrieve and save pages.

Download: vpstash.tgz
[Version 0.2, updatede Dec 6, 2004.]

Python 2.3 or later.
A unix-based OS (Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc..)
Apache or similar webserver that is setup to execute cgi scripts.

How to install with Apache:

If you want to run VPStash alongside Mac OS X's default install of Apache, we've supplied some quick commands you can execute from the terminal (located in the Utilities folder) to get up and running. Make sure Apache is running on your mac- you can turn it on in the "Sharing" panel of the System Prefrences. It's the service marked "Personal Web Sharing". You will need to be logged in as a user with administrator privileges to turn it on, and to run the following commands.

    # move to the cgi directory
    cd /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/
    # download the VPStash files
    curl -O http://flyingmeat.com/vpstash/files/vpstash.tgz
    # extract the files
    tar xvfz vpstash.tgz
    # change the permissions of the directory that the files are stored in,
    # so the webserver can write to it:
    sudo chown www vpstash/files
If you didn't get any errors, you should now be able to visit http://localhost/cgi-bin/vpstash/vpstashweb.cgi to see the scripts working. The "RPC URL" you would then enter in VoodooPad is: http://localhost/cgi-bin/vpstash/xmlrpc.cgi . You can substitue "localhost" for your ip address if you know what it is.

How to install stand-alone:

VPStash doesn't need to be run alongside Apache, it's possible to run it on a port of your choosing. Open up the terminal and type this:

    # download the VPStash files
    curl -O http://flyingmeat.com/vpstash/files/vpstash.tgz
    # extract the files
    tar xvfz vpstash.tgz
    # change to the vpstash directory
    cd vpstash
    # run vpstash
If you didn't get any errors, you should see something print out that looks like this:
listening at http://localhost:8080/RPC2
and that is the "RPC URL" you can give VoodooPad to open up files.

vpstash.py also takes a couple of arguments. If you want to pick a different folder to store your files other than "files", you can give it a -f argument to pick it like so:
./vpstash.py -f /path/to/filesdir

You can also change the port that it runs on by giving a -p option:
./vpstash.py -p 8082


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