VoodooPad Plugin Development

VoodooPad 2.0 supports a plugin API, using loadable bundles written in Cocoa. Right now the documentation is located in VPPlugin.h, which can be download along with example code right here: vppluginsb2.tgz. One word of caution- even though I don't plan on changing the API for future releases, it might end up happening anyway since this is the first crack at a plugin api for VoodooPad.

When you build your plugin in XCode, you'll need to link against VPPlugin.framework which is included along with source in the download. Sometimes paths get a little funny in XCode, so if you get errors building a stock plugin you might make sure this framework is reachable.

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas- please let me know at gus@flyingmeat.com.