Fresh Acorn 8, Acorn 7, Acorn 6, & Retrobatch Test Builds

Acorn 8

Download: Acorn 8 (8.1.1b1 (16976) )
Updated March 25, 2025 12:54:05 PM

Automatically updating to the release or test versions of Acorn

Auto-update to test releases (newest, super fun development releases)
Auto-update to regular releases (boring old production releases)

Acorn 8.1.1
, 2025.

# Changes

  • TBA

# Fixes

  • Fixed a problem where a layer’s opacity could accidently be set to 1% under various conditions when switching tools.
Acorn 8.1
March 6th, 2025.

# New Features

  • You can now resize selections with on canvas handles. Once you start resizing a selection, a palette appears and you are able to set the width, height, angle, and more. Press enter to finish up.
  • New “Crop to Original Bounds” filter, which will will cut out all the pixels outside the original image. This is useful if your image goes through a series of filters that distort it in such a way that the image dimensions grow in size (such as blur filters, distortions, etc). Using this filter will crop it back to the original dimensions.
  • The RAW Import window got a big upgrade with more options for making your RAW images come out exactly as you’d like. Updated documentation is available: RAW Image Support.
  • New “Scrub zoom” preference in the Zoom palette. When turned on, you can zoom in and out smoothly by clicking and dragging left or right on the canvas when the Zoom tool is active.

    Related bonus features:
    • You can toggle the “Scrub zoom” preference off and on by quickly pressing the z key.
    • You can now zoom in to 25600% (up from 6400%).
    • Tip: You can double click on the zoom slider handle to zoom to 100%.
  • The Grayscale Filter has expanded the range for RGB sliders from 0-100% to -200-200%. Additionally, it now includes an Intensity slider that controls the blending of the grayscale filter. This enhancement allows for more creative channel mixing when creating monochromatic images.
  • When using the Crop tool, holding down both Option and Shift keys while confirming/committing the crop will add a selection instead of cropping the image. Tip: Holding just the Option key crops the current layer rather than the entire image.
  • A new File ▸ Actions menu allows you to place shortcuts, droplets, scripts, and more. This replaces the legacy “File Actions” menu item. You can read more (and learn how to revert to the previous File Actions menu) in the Actions documentation.
  • Added a new Make New Layer from Subject menu item, which appears instead of Make Selection from Layer when holding the Option key under the Select menu.
  • Introduced two new blend modes: Linear Light and Vivid Light.

# Autosaving Changes

There is a new preference in the Settings window for autosave with three options:

  • Off: This will disable all autosaving of images.
  • Native Acorn Images: This will enable autosaving and versions support for native Acorn files only (.acorn).
  • All Images: This will autosave all file types, including lossy encoded images such as JPEG or HEIC.
The default is set to Native Acorn Images.

In Acorn 8.0, when autosave was enabled, non-native files would open without a reference to the original file on disk. This is no longer the case in Acorn 8.1, where non-native files open with a reference to the original file, and pressing ⌘S will save back to the original, regardless of the autosave setting.

# Other Improvements

  • The Smart Layer Export palette now has options to save as WebP and JPEG-XL.
  • When exporting images, Acorn does a better job now at stripping out the alpha channel when it’s not needed.
  • PSD files now correctly import masks for group layers. If you’re using Etsy frame mockups, this one is for you.
  • The RGBA Multiplier filter will now allow you to enter values up to 25500% for the multiplier (up from 1000%).
  • If you have multiple shape layers selected in the layers list and use the Edit ▸ Copy menu item, and then use the File ▸ New from Clipboard menu item, the original shape layers will be copied over instead of a bitmap of the layers. SVG data for the selected layers will also be written to the clipboard.
  • Acorn now does a better job at auto-scrolling the canvas when working with various tools, and it’s slowed down the rate of auto-scrolling a bit as well.
  • Data Merge import will now allow the prefix '@ (single-quote + @ symbol) to denote an image path, in addition to a single @ symbol. This is for Microsoft Excel compatibility, which reserves the @ symbol for functions.
  • Slight change to the do JavaScript AppleScript interface, which used to say it returned a value, it no longer does (and never really did anyway).
  • The pixel grid is now turned on by default when you are zoomed in at or above 1000%. (Also, that value used to be 500%).
  • The brush preview in the inspector palette(s) now clamps to a maximum size of 50 for brush strokes. Previously, large brush sizes made the preview ineffective.
  • Minor improvements have been made to SVG export functionality.
  • Acorn will display a confirmation prompt in the PDF Import window when attempting to create an image over 50MP, similar to the warning for creating a new image. Additionally, caution is encouraged when trying to create images over 525MP.

# Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with the Levels filter where it could impact other layers.
  • Slight tweak to the Fuzz Stroke filter to fix artifacts when the stroke was set to certain sizes.
  • Not so much a bug fix, but some slight tweaks to the shape angle widget in the shape palette to get nicer values. Pro Tip: Did you know you can hold down the option key when using this widget to get fractional values?
  • Fixed a problem where the canvas preview in the zoom palette might show your image with the wrong color profile.
  • Tweaks to how WebP is detected when running Acorn on macOS 14.
  • Resolved an issue where moving selections at high zoom levels caused unexpected snapping behavior.
  • Fixed a problem with boolean shape operations on shapes with corner radii, which previously resulted in undesired Bézier paths.
  • Solved an issue where the minimum size for pencil/pixel tool brushes could be less than 1.
  • Addressed an issue preventing text boxes from being moved after using the Data Merge inspector.
Acorn 8.0.1
January 6th, 2025.

# Bug Fixes.

  • Fixed a problem where canceling a Data Merge export wouldn't reliably stop the export. Also fixed a problem where Data Merge was consuming gobs of memory.
  • Fixed a problem where the RAW Import window would preview images with the wrong color profile, making images appear overexposed.
  • Fixed a problem where sometimes the Data Merge palette wouldn't appear when asked for.
  • Fixed a problem where you couldn't drag an image from the Finder into Acorn's layers list.
  • Workaround for a macOS 15 Sequoia Photos bug where using the Image ▸ Edit With ▸ Acorn menu item would send a 16bpc wide gamut TIFF to Acorn, and then when Photos reads it back in, not notice the color profile has been updated and render it darker. Acorn no longer upgrades the color profile in this case, and keeps it exactly what it is given (Apple Wide Color Sharing Profile). (The image will still render in Photos _slightly_ darker, but the same is true if you edit the photo with Preview or any other app. But it's much better than before, and really only with wide gamut images).
  • Fixed a problem where Acorn sometimes crashed when exporting as an SVG.
  • Fixed a problem where you couldn't move the anchor points of a Bézier path with text.
  • Fixed a problem where the checkerboard background for the canvas would sometimes get lighter colors when Dark Aqua was the current UI.

# Other.

  • Minor performance improvements for the RAW Import window.
Acorn 8
December 16th, 2024.
Acorn 8 requires MacOS 14 or later.

# Big New Things in Acorn 8

  • New Select ▸ "Select Subject" and "Mask Subject" menu commands. This uses Machine Learning to find the main subject in your image and either selecting it automatically or masking it out.
  • New Layer ▸ Remove Background menu command which works just like the Mask Subject, but does it without adding a layer mask.
  • New "New Live Text" tool. When used, Acorn will highlight the text on your canvas and you can click it to copy to the clipboard, or drag out a selection and copy multiple pieces of text to the clipboard at once. In addition a New "Copy Bitmap Text to Clipboard" Command Bar action which will copy all found text for the current bitmap layer.
  • New "Quick Processor". It's a quick version of the Shape Processor, where you can duplicate shapes, rotate, transform, and apply other operations to them. You can even use snippets of JavaScript to perform your own magic to shapes, including modifying anchors in bezier shapes.
  • You can now set your measurement units to in inches, centimeter, or pixels. Various palettes have been updated to use and take measurements in inches or centimeters (or pixels) for input. Crop, selections, shape sizes - you can now view them in your favorite measurement type. The setting you've chosen is now not just a global preference, but is saved in .acorn files as well. So you can have one window using Inches and another using Centimeters. (This feature has been one of our top requests for years, so we're happy to finally deliver it to you).
  • Data Driven Graphics via Image ▸ Data Merge menu item, where you can point Acorn to a CSV file and it'll dynamically swap in the row values and replace text or bitmap graphics depending on what's in the data file. Do you need to make a bunch of employee badges, invitations, or even supermarket labels? Data Merge is pretty neat and you should check out the documentation for how to use it effectively.
  • A new canvas ruler tool! You can use it measure out lengths and angles, and even use it to help straighten your image. It shows either inches, cm, or px — depending on what your preferred measurement unit is. You can even set the DPI of an image based on a ruler's length. Click on the "Assign Drawing Scale (DPI)" button in the Ruler info view (or use the contextual menu or a ruler), and you get a dialog asking you what length exactly should this ruler be. If you're measuring something out in real life, that's say 15 inches, you enter 15 and press enter. Now the DPI is set up exactly as you'd expect it to be in real life.
    Bonus tip: when modifying a ruler's angle and length on the canvas, holding down the shift key will snap it to 45° increments.
  • Look up Table (LUT) support. This is pretty huge for making your phone pictures look a bit more unique. You can download and install new LUTs from various places across the internet, which you can add and use along existing filters in Acorn.

    To install a LUT you only need to put it into Acorn's LUTs folder. You can find it by choosing the Help ▸ Open Acorn's App Support folder menu item.

    Acorn will accept 3D LUT files in .png or .cube format.

    And speaking of making LUT files, if you have a series of filters that you'd like to turn into a LUT you can place those in a HALD image and then export that as a LUT file. Use the Command Bar command "HALD 16 | 25 | 64 | 144 LUT" to make new 3D LUT files, and the Command Bar "Export LUT…" command to export.
  • New Shortcuts action to call any Command Bar actions. So you can script something to say "Insert Random Hexes" if you have that plugin installed, or maybe "Flip Canvas Vertical" which is a standard menu item. This could be pretty powerful and allows you to make Acorn do things we haven't even dreamed of yet.
  • Presets for (Web) Export. You can now save your meticulously crafted settings in the export window. Do you have favorite settings for exporting to the web? And then a different setting for making PDF? This feature is for you.
  • A new Polygon Shape tool! This great new tool lets you create multisided shapes to your heart's content. It also comes with on canvas controls to change the radius, side count, and angle. Make hexagons, pentagons, and even heptacontatetragons.
  • Export as JPEG XL via the Export window. JPEG XL is the next generation JPEG format, with support for better compression, higher bit depth, support of transparency, and lossless encoding.
  • Export as an Animated PNG via the Export window. This joins the already popular Animated GIF option, but now with a full 24bit color and transparency support.
  • "Extract Each Selected Shape to a New Layer" Command Bar action. Make animated images by using the Shape Processor to take a single shape and have it copied across the canvas. Then use the extract command to place each copy on a new layer, use the File ▸ Export ▸ Export menu item and select Animated PNG or GIF.
  • New "Reverse Order of Shapes" Processor, which flips the z-order of shapes being processed.
  • New "Combine Shapes" Processor, which uses a union boolean operation against all the shapes (which should be overlapping each other).
  • New "Add Anchors" Processor, which will convert any shapes to Bézier paths if they aren't already, and then double the number of anchors on the shape by placing a new anchor between two existing anchors.
  • New Command Bar action named "Trim To Inner Opaque Edges". This is kind of like the "Trim to Edges" command, but instead of searching out the farthest edges of the image to trim to, it searches for the innermost edges to trim to. This is handy if you rotate an image and want to get rid of any transparent areas caused by the rotation of a rectangle.

# Minor New Things and Quality of Life Improvements

  • QOL: When using the View ▸ Zoom To ▸ Fit in Window menu item (⌘0), Acorn will always scale your image when you resize your window to keep it perfectly fitting the window size.
  • Autosave and Versions is now enabled by default (though you can change this in Acorn's preferences). This means that non-native images (of which .acorn files are currently the only kind) will open up in a window without reference to the original file. This is so lossy image formats (JPEG/HEIC/etc.) will not autosave back to the original file, and thus increasing compression artifacts.
  • We've updated our online documentation to be easier to search and navigate.
  • The color picker will now let you copy the color as a little snippet of code, in CSS, Swift, Objective-C, or Hexadecimal.
  • New preference to show grids by default.
  • New Fussy Pref to open images at 100% scale (aka, 'zoom').
  • The Linear and Radial color gradient filters now contain little color swap widgets, which can be super helpful when you accidentally started with your colors backwards.
  • QOL: Improved snapping heuristics, and we've also turned on snapping to shapes and layers by default now.
  • QOL: Animated PNGs and GIFs now animate in the export preview.
  • QOL: Snapping has been given a bit of an upgrade and should feel generally smoother now. In addition, Acorn now has snapping to layers and shapes turned on by default with version 8. And finally a tip: you can temporarily turn off snapping when moving objects by holding down the control key.
  • QOL: If you have a crop frame on the canvas, Edit ▸ Copy and Edit ▸ Copy Merged will only copy the pixels that are currently inside the crop. This is a handy way to make multiple copies of a fixed selection size in your canvas.
  • Bézier shapes have been reworked quite a bit internally, providing a more robust and sensible on-canvas interaction. If it's been a while since you've used them, it's worth your time to check them out again.
  • The Photos Editing extension has been retired (did you know it downgrades the quality of your image? Nonsense!). Instead, you should use the Image ▸ Edit With ▸ Acorn menu item in the Photos app. This sends a full quality image to Acorn which you can edit and then have saved back to Photos.

# Scripting and Plug-Ins

  • The Plug-In API now has access to the underlying structure for bezier paths. ACBezierPath, ACBezierAnchor are two new objects you can play with from ACBezierGraphic. Check out ACPlugin.h for the methods available.
  • Shortcuts have been completely rewritten to use the new Siri App Intents framework. This in theory will allow you to have Siri drive Acorn in a future version of macOS.

# Command Bar Additions

  • We've added various crop commands to the Command Bar — you can now add crops for 4x6, 2x3, square, etc just by typing a few keystrokes.
  • Pressing the key / will bring up the Command Bar.
  • You can find the full list of Command Bar commands in our online documentation.

# Miscellaneous

  • Apple Metal logo, version 2OpenGL has been selectively stripped from Acorn, in the hopes that every machine running Acorn 8 will execute Metal correctly. If you're on an Apple Silicon Mac, you don't need to worry about anything. If you're on an Intel Mac, let me know if things seem a little wonky with rendering and filters and such:
  • Bitmap layers are now saved as PNG data in .acorn files (previously it was TIFF). Decoding of PNG files on MacOS is way faster than TIFF, so opening large .acorn images should be much faster than earlier versions once they have been re-saved. If your image is above 64BPP however, it will still be saved as a TIFF data since PNG will not encode at that rate.
  • Holding down the option key when opening Acorn will now make it forget any previously open documents.
  • Improvements when calling JavaScript from the command line. See the docs for more info.
  • The "Randomize Anchor Locations" processor, and "Random Bezier" option in the Generate Shapes processor were tweaked a little bit and might look a little different from previous versions of Acorn.
  • Various SVG import improvements.
  • Renamed the Shape ▸ Bézier Stuff ▸ Add Points menu item to Add Anchors.
  • The Document & Layer info view (brought up by pressing the 'v' button twice) now has a button to copy the contents to the clipboard.
  • The text tool is a bit nicer when creating a new text box with a single click on the canvas.
  • Setting the width/height on star shapes will now do the right thing (sets its diameter)
  • Rewrote the New Image from camera code to use Apple's latest APIs.
  • JSTalk support via Distributed Objects has been removed.

Acorn 7

Acorn 7 7.4.7b1 (16765)
Updated November 27, 2024 03:15:06 PM
Release notes

Acorn 6

Acorn 6
Updated November 21, 2022 03:33:29 PM
Release notes

Acorn 5

Download: Acorn 5
Updated September 1, 2018 12:22:35 PM
Release notes

Acorn 4

Download: Acorn 4
Updated July 7, 2017 02:57:58 PM
Release notes

Retrobatch 2

Retrobatch 2 (2.3b1 (1589) )
Updated March 17, 2025 10:32:21 AM

Automatically updating to the release or test versions of Retrobatch

Auto-update to test releases (newest, super fun development releases)
Auto-update to regular releases (boring old production releases)

Retrobatch Release Notes

Retrobatch 2.3
, 2025
# New
  • The Write node now has options to make indexed PNG files. The Indexed PNG node is now deprecated.
  • The Auto Level node now has an option to trim out the transparent area that is introduced when rotating an image.
# Changes
  • Updated to the latest version of pngcrush.
# Fixes
  • The Prompt for Files node does a much better job at informing how many files will need to be processed.
Retrobatch 2.2.2
March 5th, 2025
# New Stuff
  • The “Rules” node now has new options to detect if the Option, Command, Control, or Shift keys were pressed when the workflow started running.
  • New “File Rename” node, which works like the File name: field in the Write node, but without actually writing anything. The previous “File Rename” node has been renamed to “File Name Search & Replace”.
  • New: The Tile Chop node now has an option to splice up an image from the top down.
  • New: The Grayscale Filter has extended the range of values for the RGB sliders from 0-100% to -200-200%. In addition to this, it now includes an Intensity slider which controls the blending of the grayscale filter. This allows for more creative channel mixing when making monochromatic images.
  • New Javascript API for getting the top classifications in an asset: asset.topClassifications(10); You can find documentation on it in the Asset API, and a sample plugin using it is available via the sample plugins page.
# Fixes
  • Minor tweaks to the pngcrush functionality for cases where it might lose it’s mind and write an uncompressed PNG.
  • Tweaks to the Write node to make sure the output folder is always created if it's been removed after opening a workflow.
  • Fixed some issues when trying to write WebP images to the clipboard.
  • No longer showing a warning to add a write node when the “Extract Text” node is being used.
Retrobatch 2.2.1
January 6th, 2025
# New Stuff
  • The Rules node now has an Orientation option for matching (or not) Square, Portrait, or Landscape images.
  • The Write Node and Text Watermark nodes now have a “Clipboard” text token (located under the “Other” submenu in the Write node).
# Fixes
  • Fixed a problem where metadata was not copied when writing as WebP images.
  • Fixed a problem where RAW images from a Sony ILCE-1 camera was not loading correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where the Set DPI Node wasn’t doing the right thing with PDF files.
Retrobatch 2.2
November 11th, 2024 🎂
# New Stuff
  • New CSV Reader node (Retrobatch Pro only). This fantastic node will read in a CSV file and produce an image for each row. You can then use that data to populate a template with text and images, and then even use the Write Images node to output the image to a specific file name. You can follow along with a quick little tutorial in our documentation to learn all about this node.
  • New Dynamic Image node (Retrobatch Pro only). This is a fun node which will allow you to overlay images to templates using the above CSV reader node, or with custom JavaScript. Visit our technote on the topic (RBTN005) for more information.
  • The Trim to Edges node now has a “Trim All Transparent Edges” option, which will prune out all transparent edges of your image, and not just to the first opaque pixel. So if you rotate an image, and then use this node after it, there will be no transparent pixels left along the edges of your image.
# Other Stuff
  • Fixed a problem where JPEG-XL images might not be written correctly.
  • Fixed a problem where 1 bit TIFF files might not being written correctly.
  • Fixed a problem where SVG files were being allowed into workflows on MacOS 12 (SVG rendering is only on MacOS 13+).
  • Fixed an issue with the Shell Script node where it wouldn’t always pass the image path as an argument to the script.
  • The “Quit Retrobatch” node now waits a second before quitting the app if you have enabled the preference to play a sound when a workflow ends.
  • Added a bunch more IPTC extension tags for the Set Specific Metadata node.
  • Fixed an issue where there were scrollers always present on the canvas when you had the System Setting “Show scroll bars” set to always.
Retrobatch 2.1
March 18th, 2024.
# New
  • A new Look up Table (LUT) node! The LUT node can be used to quickly and easily alter the color and tone of your images. LUTs can be used to create a wide range of effects, from subtle color adjustments to dramatic stylistic changes — it’s like a pre-programmed filter, but with more flexibility and control. Use one of Retrobatch’s LUT presets, or download additional LUTs that emulate film stocks, create specific moods (like warm, cool, or vintage), or simply enhance the natural colors in your image.
    You can also adjust the opacity and blending mode of the LUT. Use a grayscale LUT and then dial back the opacity to create some dramatic effects in your images.
    (Retrobatch Pro only)
  • New “Tile Chop” node which will take an image and split it up into multiple images based on a width and height set in its properties.
  • New “Camera Capture” node which uses your Mac’s built in camera to take a photo (Retrobatch Pro only).
  • Photos Export now has an option to export the Current, Unadjusted, or Original versions of your Photos Library images.
  • New “Auto Process” option in the RAW Import node. This lets you skip the fiddly options and just lets Retrobatch make the best guess at how the image should be processed.
  • Two new nodes for renaming files. “File Rename” which will take one search string and replace it with another, and “Web Safe Rename” which will take a sequence of characters and then replace those with a given string. This is handy for tasks where you need to take out special characters or spaces from your images to make them easier for handling on the web.
  • There’s a new Advanced tab in Preferences, with some new options:
    • A new “Default Write Folder” that will be used anytime you add a Write node.
    • A “Clear JavaScript console when a workflow runs” option, which is useful for plugin authors.
    • A “Allow unknown file types” option, which can be used to load ancient file types that MacOS no longer recognizes (Pro only). Find out more about this preference if you find it intriguing.
# Fixes
  • The Multi-Scale node will now scroll its properties in the case of it getting overly large.
  • The Super Resolution node now supports images with transparency.
  • Fixed a problem where using Folder Actions + AppleScript might not work correctly with the App Store version of Retrobatch.
  • Fixed a problem with the RAW Import node where images were being rendered much too dark because of some bad configurations.
  • Fixed a problem where the Multi Scale node would give incorrect dimensions for the image width and height filename tokens.
  • Fixed a problem reading RGB101010 HEIF images from Sony a7C images.
  • Fixed a problem where the Multi Scale node would show a bit of nonsense in the filename tokens by default.
# Other
  • When a preflight is interrupted, the file counts in the nodes could be off. Retrobatch will now prepend a ~ to the total when this happens. (You’ll generally see this with nodes which take a long time to work, such as the “Classify Images” ML node.
  • The “Fix EXIF Rotation” node is a bit more efficient.
Retrobatch 2.0.3
December 1st, 2023.
# New
  • The Super Resolution node now has an option to scale your image by 2x, 3x, or 4x.
  • The Photos Export node how has an option (turned on by default) to embed any assigned location information as GPS location metadata in the image.
  • The Rules node has a new “File Extension” rule you can match on.
# Fixes
  • Fixed a problem where Retrobatch would show a warning that you didn’t have a Write Node, but you did have a Write Back to Photos or Import to Photos node, which should count. The same goes for writing to the clipboard.
  • Fixed a problem where the Super Resolution node was accidentally only scaling images 3x instead of the advertised 4x.
  • Fixed a problem where the Image Watermark node was blowing out some alpha channels when it was scaled.
  • Fixed a problem where the Photos Import node might import incorrect image data.
  • Fixed a problem when using the Photos Export node where Retrobatch could ignore any metadata change nodes.
  • Fixed a problem where the old Photos Library node was still showing up (it was replaced by the “Photos Export” node).
# Other
  • The Photos Export node will now show a little warning if access to the Photos Library is denied.
  • The Clipboard node is also under the Write category now, with a default of “Write to clipboard” when it’s selected.
Retrobatch 2.0.2
November 20, 2023.
# Fixes
  • Fixed a problem where Retrobatch would close an already open workflow if it was used in a Shortcuts action. Now Retrobatch will keep it open if it’s already up, and close if it had to be opened to run the action.
  • Fixed a problem where Shortcuts would show an error when running workflows with a Quit Retrobatch node.
  • Fixed a problem where you were unable to copy and paste certain nodes on the canvas.
  • Fixed a problem where writing of WebP images would not work (App Store only).
  • Fixed a problem where manually entering GPS coordinates wouldn’t always work correctly.
  • Fixed a problem where Retrobatch could crash when adding the Photos Export node on MacOS 13.
  • Fixed a problem where the properties for the Trim to Edges node wouldn’t show correctly after dismissing it’s popover and bringing it back.
  • Fixed a problem where the image orientation flag could be lost when setting the GPS coordinates, DPI, or other meta-data only operations.
  • Tweaks to the Indexed PNG node.
Retrobatch 2.0
November 6th, 2023.
Retrobatch 2.0 includes a new dark UI, a bunch of new nodes, new features, refinements in existing nodes and UI, plus much more.

# New Nodes

  • New “Super Resolution” node, which uses machine learning to scale up your image 4x its size.
  • New “Film Grain” node. Does what you think it does. Combine it with a Vignette to make your photos look older and analog!
  • New “Get Selected Finder Images” node, which will use any selected images in the Finder for your processing (not available in App Store version).
  • New GPS node, which will allow you to assign a specific location to your images using the GPS image metadata fields.
  • New “Photos Export” node which replaces the “Photos Library” node (which Apple has deprecated libraries it uses). This new node will download from iCloud as well as export the unmodified originals from Photos, including RAW photos.
  • New “Photos Library Import” where you can send images to a specific album in your Photos library.
  • New “Photos Library Modify” which will send an image back to the Photos Library from which it came. If you want to modify a set of images all the same way, this is a good way to go.
  • New “1Bit” node which turns your images into 1bit images.
  • New “Finder Icon Writer” which will use the processed image to write back an icon in the Finder for the original image being processed. If you’ve ever wanted custom thumbnails for an image, this is the way.
  • New “Quit Retrobatch” node which will quit Retrobatch when a workflow is done. This is useful for droplets when you want to make sure Retrobatch is dead and gone after it runs.
  • New “PDF Quartz Filter” which gives you access to the various PDF filters in ColorSync Utility. You can apply filters to a whole PDF like “Reduce File Size” or Sepia Tone“.
  • New ”Contrast Stretch“ node which will improve the contrast for your image by stretching the intensity of the image to cover a larger range.
  • New ”Image Equalization“ node which will spread out the histogram peaks of your image, making certain areas less intense (or at least more even).
  • New ”Download“ node which you can plug a URL into and Retrobatch will download it for you.
  • New ”Replace Color“ node which finds a specific color in your image and replaces it with another.
  • New ”Acorn Maker“ node which will make a layered Acorn image (similar to the PSD Maker node). You can combine this with the Screenshot and Windows node to make a new Acorn image of all your visible windows, with a layer for each window.

# New Retrobatch Pro Nodes

  • New ”Auto Level (Straighten) node which will rotate your image a bit if it looks like it might not be very level .
  • New “Recognized text” option for the Rules node which you can use to filter out images based on character recognition in the image.
  • New “Clipboard Watcher” node which will look at your clipboard every second and if there’s a new image on there, it’ll run the workflow using that image as input.
  • New “Periodic” node which will run the chain of nodes it has attached to it after a certain number of configurable seconds.
  • New “Extract Text” node that will scan your images for text and write it out to a file.
  • New “Image Diff” node which will compute the difference in colors between every other image.
  • New “Extract Metadata” node that can write out the metadata from an image in either plain text or JSON formats.

# Improvements & New Features

  • The preview window has been enhanced so that you get a list of selected nodes on the left, and larger preview of the images you’re processing on the right. You can bring up the sheet by pressing the space bar, then tweak your nodes to get them exactly how you’d like them to be, and then pressing the spacebar (or escape key) to dismiss the preview.
  • Shortcuts support! You can now make a Shortcut which points to workflow, allowing you to pass in images, or folders of images. You can also use this to setup Quick Actions in the Finder.
  • Retrobatch can now read SVG files, which is awesome if you want to convert a bunch of them into JPEG or PNG files (MacOS 13+).
  • Retrobatch can now read and write JPEG-XL files. Visit for more info.
  • WebP (and JPEG-XL) now have options for lossless encoding.
  • The Write node now has compression options for the TGA image format.
  • The Write node has a new option to embed a thumbnail for JPEG and HEIC images.
  • The Write node now has a “Read back encoded image”, which is handy if you want to write your image out as a specific type and then throw it on the clipboard as the newly encoded type.
  • The Image Watermark and Text Watermark can now have negative values for the offsets.
  • The Windows & Screenshots node now has an option to exclude the shadow from windows.
  • You can change the color accent of a node by control clicking on it and choosing “Change Node Accent Color…” or selecting a couple of nodes and using the View ▸ Change Node Accent Color… menu item.
  • You can now set the working color profile for workflows. This is for cases where you want certain filters to work more closely to certain image editors, or if you’re using something like the Custom Convolution node and you want to tightly control how pixels are processed.
  • New option to the Clipboard node which allows you to write the native type of an image to the clipboard. If you have a compressed JPEG, it’ll write that exact data to the clipboard if that option is selected. Otherwise it’ll write PNG and TIFF data by default.
  • A new Document Settings sheet (under the View menu) which allows you to have per-document settings for the following things:
    • Manual node connections.
    • Wether or not a preflight is automatically run.
    • A pixel processing profile to use for various filters (mostly Core Image based).
  • The Animated Image node now has a token field for setting the name of the image it produces.
  • There’s a new token in the Write node for the album name when pulling images out of Photos.
  • The Drop Shadow node now has an option to keep the original dimensions of an image, for cases where you’re processing images with transparent cutouts and you want the shadow to appear inside the image only.
  • The Border node now has an option to have a corner radius.
  • The Scale node now offers the Lanczos and Bicubic scaling algorithms for resizing images.
  • The Delay node can now specify when the delay should happen: Preflight, Every image (the default), or Postflight.
  • Open in App node: Dragging an app icon from the Finder onto the Open in App node will use that app to open the images.
  • Open in App node: Dragging an app icon from the Finder with the option key held down will now add an Open in App node to your workflow.
  • Open in App node will now remember the last app you picked, and use it for newly created nodes.
  • New option in the Write node to encode your JPEG files using the MozJPEG encoder.
  • The Screenshot node now has text field you can use to filter which screenshots are used in a workflow. For instance, if you only want to capture windows from Safari, you would enter “Safari”.
  • Nodes on canvas have a new contextual menu to enable/disable the node, as well as bring up the properties.
  • Shell Script node improvements: It’ll now show a warning if the shell script you choose isn’t executable, and even offer a recovery solution. It also includes a link to online documentation about what you can do with it.
  • A new Retrobatch setting to only show properties when double clicking on a node.

# Differences between App Store / Sandboxed and Direct versions.

  • The AppleScript, Shell Script, and Get Selected Finder Items nodes are not available in the App Store / Sandboxed version of Retrobatch.
  • Using Retrobatch as a command line tool will run into file reading problems in the App Store / Sandboxed version of Retrobatch.
  • For more information on the differences, visit the following URL:

# Changes

  • The “Set Finder Tags” will decide when to write the tags in based on if you have a write node behind it or not. If there is no “Write” node farther down the chain from the “Set Finder Tags” node, then the “Set Finder Tags” node will apply tags to the last read/written place an asset has occupied. So you can have a workflow with two nodes in it: A “Read Folder” → “Set Finder Tags” node, the tags will be written to the original location (this is the original behavior). But if you have a “Read Folder” → “Set Finder Tags” → “Write Images” workflow, then the tags will be added to the images where they were written via the “Write Images” node.
  • The Rules node will now take float values for the “Megapixels” rule.
  • The “Photos Library” node has been deprecated (since it’s using APIs Apple wants to get rid of). Instead, use the updated Photos Export node.
  • When using Retrobatch 1.x from the shell, passing a folder as an argument would search through that folder for all image files and synthesize a “Read Files” node and the path hierarchy information would be tossed out. In Retrobatch 2, when a folder is given as an argument Retrobatch will now synthesize a “Read Folder” node for each folder argument it comes across and preserve the folder hierarchy for any images found.

# Fixes

  • Fixed a problem where the $SourceFolderPath$ token working correctly with the Indexed PNG and Animated Image nodes.

# Other

  • When running Retrobatch from the Terminal with the --workflow option, it will now print out information about what node is currently working on a file.
  • The “PDF Image Extractor” node does a better job at finding images, is faster, and will not re-encode image data if not necessary.
  • The Write node will now open up multiple folders if options like “Write back to original image” or the “Source Folder Path” options are enabled (and it’s cases like these where output might be to multiple folders!)
  • Retrobatch will now offer to move itself to the Applications folder if it isn’t already there.
  • Did you know you can pull out meta from IPTC tags without a token in the Write node? Just use “$assetMeta.{IPTC}.City$” to grab the city from the IPTC metadata.
  • Retrobatch is a bit smarter at figuring out what type of images it’s loading up if MacOS can’t figure it out on its own.
  • The Shell Script node will now always append the (last saved) path to the image being worked on when “Every Process” is set for the Run at: option. Previously, Retrobatch would only append the path if no argument options were supplied.
  • The “Quality” slider in the Write node has been changed to “Quality / Comp.” as an indicator that it effects compression as well.
  • Double clicking on a node connection will reverse the direction of the connection.
  • Retrobatch now gives you a little bit of play when single or double clicking on a node to bring up the properties. So if you’re using a trackpad or have unstable hands and move the pointer a little bit (no more than 5pt), RB will just assume you meant to bring up the properties.
  • If you hold down the option + command keys in the Feedback window, you are given the option to email the report using your preferred email client.

# I’m not sure why I’m listing this, but I am anyway

  • Some new debugging prefs for the droplets:
    defaults write com.flyingmeat.retrobatch.RBDroplet keepAlive 1
    defaults write com.flyingmeat.retrobatch.RBDroplet showLogWindow 1

    This will require making a new droplet for these prefs to work.

Retrobatch 1

Retrobatch (1.5.1 (1440) )
Updated December 11, 2023 11:35:12 AM

Automatically updating to the release or test versions of Retrobatch

Auto-update to test releases (newest, super fun development releases)
Auto-update to regular releases (boring old production releases)

Retrobatch Release Notes

Retrobatch 1.5.1 December 11th, 2023.

Retrobatch 2 is available!

Hey - we released Retrobatch 2 with lots of cool features! Dark mode, larger previews, Super Resolution ML Scaling, Photos Export, Shortcuts support, and more - you should really check it out. It's a paid upgrade so this version won't automatically update to it. But we do have a discounted path for folks who purchased Retrobatch 1.

  • Retrobatch 1 now accepts Retrobatch 2 registrations.
  • Fixed a problem where the Layer and Page Splitter node could run your workflow by accident when it was trying to perform a preflight.
  • Fixed a problem where the extract Portrait, Depth, and Disparity nodes would continue to look like they were processing when the workflow ended.
  • Fixed a problem where the $SourceFolderPath$ token wasn't being taken seriously when an output folder was specified.
  • Fixed an issue where resizing the window to be smaller could hide some nodes.
  • Fixed an issue where Retrobatch would throw up warnings about droplets which had an extended attribute set on it.
  • Fixed an issue where some WebP files would be written as JPEG files on MacOS 13.
Retrobatch 1.5 November 4th, 2022.
New Stuff
  • New "Photos Export" Node which will read out all of your images from Photos.
  • New "Document Enhancer" Node which enhances a document image by removing unwanted shadows, whitening the background, and enhancing contrast. (MacOS 10.15+ only)
  • New "Pixelate" Node under the Blur category which will pixelate your image with different scales.
  • New QR Code Node which will generate a QR code to put on top of your images.
Other Stuff
  • Fixed an issue where droplets were not working on MacOS 13 Ventura. To fix this issue, open the droplet in Retrobatch and save it once.
  • Retrobatch will now attempt to copy over any existing Finder tags it encounters when writing images from the Write node.
Retrobatch 1.4.5 July 19th, 2022.
  • Fixed a problem where you couldn't scale or use certain nodes with images containing an extended range color space.
  • Fixed a problem where the Source Folder Path write token wouldn't work correctly when reading folders with sub-directory reading enabled.
  • Fixed a problem where the rules editor could strip out part of a number because of an errant comma.
  • Fixed a problem where undo/redo could be a little wonky.
  • Fixed a problem where Instant Alpha for 64bit images wasn't as smooth as it could be.
  • Fixed a problem where the $FileNumber04$ token wouldn't always work as expected in the write node.
  • Fixed a problem where sometimes converting a PNG to a GIF would fail.
  • Fixed a problem on MacOS Big Sur where Apple Events via Automator were sometimes sending weirdly formatted URLs to Retrobatch and it was unable to process the event correctly.
  • Thumbnails for 16bpc images are now showing again if you're using MacOS Monterey (it's disabled on 10.15 / 11 because of a big memory leak in the system frameworks, which is now fixed in Monterey).
  • Added a new "ExifAux" group for the Remove Specific Metadata" node.
  • New hidden pref for keeping around the portrait and depth data from HEIC images when you write them out as JPEG or other file types:
    defaults write com.flyingmeat.Retrobatch keepDepthData 1
    Should this be a new node? Or maybe an option in the write node? This is a fun hidden pref to experiment with, but it'll probably change in the future.
Retrobatch 1.4.4 May 1st, 2021.
  • Fixed a problem for MacOS 10.15.7 where the April 26th security update from Apple made Retrobatch unable to render anything via Core Image.
  • Double clicking on the workflow name in the toolbar will now zoom the window.
  • Folks on MacOS 11 will get an updated icon.
  • Fixed an issue where using $IPTCKeywords$ for the Set Finder Tags node would only use the first keyword as a tag. Now it adds all keywords as tags.
Retrobatch 1.4.3 November 13th, 2020.
New Stuff
  • Retrobatch is now a Universal Binary, running natively on the new Apple Silicon Macs.
  • The Rotate node has a new "Cumulative" option. This is awesome if you have an image you'd like to duplicate a bunch of times and then rotate by a little bit more each time, and then write it all out.
  • Added two new sort options for the Read Folder node: Full input path, ascending / descending.
  • Added a new node "Alpha Multiply" which can increase or decrease the values in an image's alpha channel (Pro only).
  • The preview view does a better job at keeping the current image zoom level when cycling between preview images.
  • The Image Grid node bumped up the count of images you can have in a row or column from 100 to 1000.
  • New behavior for droplets: droplets made with Retrobatch 1.4.3 or later will now wait a second after processing images to quit, just in case a 3rd party workflow or script decides to send it more images to process. Previously, a droplet would ignore any additional images added to it, and instead quit after it's first batch of images were processed. Now it'll stick around and process any more images it has been given before quitting.
  • When using Retrobatch from the shell, any input files or folders are now sorted alphabetically before processing.
  • Fixed a problem where Retrobatch would have a bad time if there was an empty IPTC Keywords field in the "Set Specific Metadata" node.
  • Fixed a problem where Retrobatch wouldn't be able to correctly trim images with a non-RGB color profile.
Retrobatch 1.4.2 August 6th, 2020.
New Stuff
  • New "Truncate JPEG Data" node, which will remove empty data at the end of JPEG files which could be introduced when transferring files off of an iOS device.
  • New Premultiply and Unpremultiply nodes for Retrobatch Pro, which multiply (or divide) the image’s RGB values by its alpha.
  • Support for reading and writing Google's WebP image format.
  • Now clearing the image classification cache when a workflow is closed. This slows things down on the next open and run of it, but uses less memory in the long run.
  • Fixed a problem the Adjust Margin nodes would stop all processing from continuing when it was disabled.
  • Fixed a problem where the palette for a selected node would not be removed when the node was deleted.
  • Fixed a crasher in some cases when undoing a node added to the canvas.
  • No longer showing the file proxy for unsaved workflows.
  • The file path popup in the toolbar now behaves 14% more like the OS equivalent.
  • Added a new JavaScript plugin API for getting an image's bitmap as a typed array. You can read about this in the JSAPI documentation.
  • Did a bunch of internal plumbing on the JavaScript interface to get it ready for the new Apple Silicon Macs.
  • Tweaks to the Instant Alpha node, so that it works better on ARM Macs. (And we've got Universal builds of Retrobatch available as well. Known issue: the Animate node isn't available).
Retrobatch 1.4.1 April 2nd, 2020.
  • Fixed a problem where some JavaScript plugins stopped working.
  • Little tweaks to the Prompt for Files node to make sure it gets called before the Write node asks you for a place to save images.
Retrobatch 1.4 March 31st, 2020.
New Stuff
  • New Overlay node, which allows you to set a background image to draw all your workflow images above. You can adjust scale, placement, opacity, blend mode, and more.
  • New "Run Workflow for Previewing Image" menu item, which will process only the current image you are previewing through your workflow. This is super awesome for complicated workflows that you can't always get an accurate preview for, or for workflows which run scripts in the background.
  • JavaScript expressions in Retrobatch Pro. Various nodes which allow you to set the size or length of a value (such as the Crop, Border, Gradient, Adjust Margin nodes) now have an option of running a little snippet of JavaScript code to figure out the value. This is a super powerful feature, which you can read about in our JavaScript Expressions documentation.
  • New Oval Matte node, which will place an oval over your image (matching the bounds of your image) and fill the outside with a color of your choosing.
  • New Crop to Face node. Does what it says on the tin. Finds one or more faces, and crops your image to the bounds found, with options for adding margins on the sides.
  • New Make Square node. This node will make the width and height of your image the same, optionally making it bigger by expanding the margins, or by cropping it.
  • New Adjust Margins node. This node will let you add or subtract pixels to the edges of an image, and with an optional border to fill in the pixels if you make your image larger.
  • New Mask to Alpha invert colors option. Normally mask to alpha will convert the black areas of your image to transparent, and the white to opaque (with gray somewhere in-between). With the new Invert Colors option, Mask to Alpha will now convert the white areas of your image to transparent, and keep the black opaque. This is great if you are scanning in line drawings from your own artwork, and want to make the backgrounds transparent.
  • File numbers with leading zeros in the Write node tokens. We've not yet added a UI for this, but you can add (and it's case sensitive) $FileNumber04$ in the File name: field of the Write node to have the file number of your image written out as part of the name, with a padding of up to 4 zeros. If you'd like to pad that number to 6, you would enter $FileNumber06$, and so on. Negative values won't work! And asking for values over 100 is asking for trouble, since MacOS will be angry with you and not allow it.
  • Minor update to new droplets- you can now have a droplet which doesn't take any files. Why is this useful? Well, imagine you have a workflow that reads an image from the clipboard, resizes it to a specific width, and then writes it back to the clipboard. Now you can save your workflow to do just this.
  • Fixed a problem where the Clipboard IO node could cause a crash in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a problem where the file count for the Read Folder node wouldn't update on the canvas when the "Include images in subfolders" option was toggled.
  • The Image Grid node now takes out images from the preprocess stage which would otherwise be combined with other images in the grid. This means the canvas file count previews are now more accurate.
  • Fixed a problem where changing values in the Image Grid node would sometimes not stick if you were quickly tabbing between the fields.
Retrobatch 1.3.1 January 1st, 2020.
New Nodes
  • False Color: False color is often used to process astronomical and other scientific data, such as ultraviolet and x-ray images.
  • X-Ray: Applies an X-Ray style to an image.
  • Fixed an issue where animated PNGs and GIFs were not being properly created.
  • Fixed an issue where the Prompt for Files node wasn't processing images in ascending order.
  • You can set the FPS per image frame using the following code snippet in a JavaScript node. The JavaScript node should be placed before the Animation node.
    function processAsset(document, jsnode, asset) {
        // Set the FPS of this frame to something between 0-60
        asset.setUserValue_forKey(Math.random() * 60, "animationFramesPerSecond");
        return true;
Retrobatch 1.3 October 17th, 2019.
  • New options in the Trim to Edges node: Trim by transparency, selected color, or the edge color of an image.
  • New "Page Number" token for the Write node, which can be used as a path token (or for the name) when writing the image. The value of this token is incremented when a multi-page image or an animated image is passed through the "Layer and Page Splitter" node.
  • New "Source Folder Path" token for the Write node, can be used to write an image back to the same folder it was read from. The the token "Source Folder" has been renamed to "Source Folder Name".
  • The Add Border node now lets you set the width of the border as pixels, percentage of width, height, short side, or long side.
  • You can now set a target megapixel value for the scale node. So if you want all your images to be 12MP, even they all have different aspect ratios, you're now set.
  • New Remove Specific Metadata node for Retrobatch Pro.
  • New Linear and Radial Gradient nodes.
  • New Vignette node.
  • New option in the Write Node which asks for an output folder on every execution, meaning you don't need to have it set before running.
  • New "Duplicate" node, which takes a single image, copies it, and sends it on to the next node(s) for each copy. You can combine this with the Tile node to repeat an image multiple times into a bigger image.
  • The image info popover now shows a page number, which is helpful for figuring out which frame or page an image came from when split from a PDF or animated image.
  • Set Specific Metadata node: You can now set multiple keywords using the IPTC:Keywords field by separating keywords with commas.
  • Shell Script node improvements: If the output from your script contains a line that starts with outputImagePath: followed by a path to a valid image, that image will be used for the rest of the workflow.
  • More Shell Script improvements: You can return image data from a shell script if the output of your script is 'imageData:' followed by a newline, and then valid image data to read in.
  • Made some improvements to the PDF maker node, so that if you are splitting pages from a PDF and then stitching the back together, the original PDF data is used. This means if there's vector data, it's not rasterized to a bitmap. This will only happen as long as no nodes have modified the page data in-between it being split and and stitched back together.
  • Fixed color drift via the color picker when certain ICC Color Profiles where selected.
  • Fixed a problem where tiling images that had been processed with the grayscale node wouldn't work properly.
  • Fixed a problem rendering PDFs with special transforms in there (like the Special Counsel report!).
  • Fixed a problem when writing a depth map extracted from an image as a PNG.
  • Minor fixes with the Image Grid node.
  • Added a description to the Animated Image node.
  • Minor 10.15 Catalina fixes.
Retrobatch 1.2 April 2nd, 2019.
  • New Animated Image node, which will allow you to make animated GIF or PNGs.
  • Droplet support! Use the File ▸ Save As Droplet… menu item to write out your workflow as an application, which you can then drag and drop folders and images on to run your workflow. To re-edit a workflow contained in a droplet, you can either hold down the Option key when opening the droplet, or drag and drop the droplet onto the Retrobatch app icon.
  • New Set Finder Tags node, which can assign one or more tags to images in the Finder (Pro only). This will work on the image that was most recently written- so you don't need to write out a copy of an image to set it. You can instead have a Read node, and then a Set Finder Tags right after it and Retrobatch will then set the tags on the original files.
  • The Clipboard node got some improvements:
    • It will now notice when a new image shows up on the clipboard, and update the preview accordingly.
    • If you copy a file in the Finder, it'll now use that file on disk to process through any following nodes.
  • New preferences for sending out a notification when a workflow ends, as well as playing a sound.
  • The Watermark node now has a "File Number" token, which is the image number being processed.
  • The Shell Script node has a new field where you can enter arguments to the selected script. Arguments are separated by spaces.
  • New "Round Corners" node.
  • New "Limit" node which will limit the number of images or PDFs allowed to pass through (Pro only).
  • New "Image Grid" node.
  • New option for the Write Images node, which enables to you write your processed images back to the original image it came from.
  • New template "Classify and Set Keywords" which uses Machine Learning to figure out what's in the image, and sets the metadata keyword based on what it found.
  • New "Page Number" rule in the Rules Node. You can use this rule to say "only let the first page of a PDF through", or "all pages of an animated GIF except the first", or even limit images 5 though 16.
A New JavaScript Node Plug-In API for Retrobatch Pro (Beta!)
  • You can now write and distribute custom nodes in JavaScript using a new Plug-In API. This feature is currently in beta, and we're hoping to finalize it in a future release. But it's already incredibly useful today. If you have questions or ideas, head on over to the forums to ask about them and don't forget to read a short introduction on how to create one.
  • In addition, the CocoaScript bridge has been replaced with FMJS. No changes to current scripts should be needed.
  • Fixed some problems previewing images created from the clipboard.
  • Fixed a problem when changing the DPI of PNG images when no new image bits were written (just metadata changes).
  • Fixed a problem where using Automator to run a workflow wouldn't always process images through all the connected nodes.
  • You can now rename RAW files without having to re-encode them with the write node, as long as there are no changes to the pixels made in the image.
  • Fixed a problem where you couldn't select PDF files along with images from a couple of Open panels.
  • Squircle instead of circles for the node shapes on the canvas.
  • Retrobatch is now notarized from Apple. We're not sure what this does for you, but your Mac would eventually complain if we hadn't. Hurray!
Retrobatch 1.1.1 January 23, 2019.
  • Create indexed PNG files with the a new "Indexed PNG" node. This node builds on top of pngquant, which is a handy tool for reducing the number of colors in a PNG file resulting in smaller images.
  • New node for Retrobatch Pro: Mask to Alpha, which converts grayscale images with blacks to transparent and keeps the white areas opaque.
  • MacOS 10.13+: A new "Extract Disparity Image" node which will pull out a disparity map images which contain it (iPhone X(s), iPhone 8+, etc.)
  • MacOS 10.14+: A new "Extract Portrait Matte" node which will pull out the portrait matte on images taken iPhones which support it (iPhone X(s), iPhone 8+, etc.)
  • Fixed a problem where the DPI of a PNG would be lost when using the Crush option in the write node.
  • Fixed a problem where Retrobatch could crash if a text watermark font previously used went missing.
  • Fixed a problem where the Page Splitter node wasn't remembering the right DPI for TIFF files.
  • Fixed a problem with the HEIC to JPEG template.
  • Fixed a problem where Retrobatch wouldn't run via the command line tool correctly.
  • Fixed a problem where Retrobatch could hang when running via Folder Actions.
  • The scale node now takes decimal values for the scale as percentage field.
  • Removed the "ImageAlpha" node, in favor of the "Indexed PNG" node.
Retrobatch 1.1 September 7th, 2018.
  • Automator support. You can now create an Automator action which runs a workflow, passing in image paths to the workflow to run. You can even make a droplet from your Automator action.
  • New Instant Alpha node which removes pixels from your image based on a sampling location like the corners or center of your image.
  • New Auto Enhance node, which does some black magic to make your photos look better.
  • New preference for manual connections (control-drag to make connections between nodes).
  • New JavaScript node (Pro only) where you can sort out images, print out information on images, or apply Core Image filters. Visit the JavaScript documentation for more information.
  • New Dither node with Atkinson, Classic Mac, Floyd Steinberg, Gaussian Blue, and Ordered Reproducible algorithms.
  • New "Only scale smaller" option for the Scale node, which will only resize your images to a smaller dimension if the option is enabled.
  • The "Set Specific Metadata" node now allows you to use tokens for setting various values. For instance if you wanted to have the copyright notice set to the current year, you would add "Copyright (:date token here:)". Or if you wanted to pipe the image through a classification node before the metadata node, you could add the "Top Classification" node to the keywords field.
  • New "PDF Image Extractor" node (Pro only). This doesn't turn PDF pages into bitmaps, rather it pulls out bitmaps from PDF files and writes them out either as JEPG or PNG files. A PDF page can have multiple images in it, each at different resolutions. This node grabs the raw data for it, and pulls it out.
  • You can now call Retrobatch from the command line, with arguments for a workflow, output folder, and images / folder to process: --workflow path/to/workflow.retrobatch --output ~/Desktop/foo/ /path/to/files.jpeg /or/folders/
  • Added GIF as a writable format in the write node.
  • The Raw Import node now has an option to adjust the tint of your image.
  • Added a Color Posterize node.
  • Added a new Pixel Depth token for the file name.
Changes and Fixes
  • The shell script node now shows the output from the scripts in a new little console window. The new JavaScript node also uses this.
  • Did a bunch of background work which will make Retrobatch run more efficiently when preprocessing.
  • Minor fixes to the Raw Import node.
  • Minor optimizations.
  • Fixed a crasher when running non-executable shell scripts.
  • Fixed a crasher when using trim to edges on images with a gray color profile.
  • Fixed a problem where you couldn't paste into token fields (such as the File name: field in the write node).
  • Fixed a crasher with the Shell Script node.
  • Fixed a crasher when using certain classification models.
  • Fixed a problem where you could choose a file from the Write node as an output directory. That's not going to work in practice and probably cause a crash.
  • Fixed a problem with certain PDFs, when creating an image out of the first page.
  • Tweaking of the Scripting Dictionary, so you can call "execute" with a path to a workflow.
  • If you run a PDF through a Color Profile node before passing it to a Layer & Page Splitter node, the page bitmaps created from it will now pick up on the previously set profile. This way you can have all pages written out as CMYK if you'd like, without an expensive and lossy conversion after the split.
Retrobatch 1.0.2 June 21st, 2018 (happy summer solstice!).
Changes and Fixes
  • Fixed some bad juju between the PSD Maker and the Write Node when the Convert To was set to PSD.
  • Retrobatch's AppleScript node now recognizes compiled OSA ".scpt" files in addition to .applescript files.
  • Fixed a problem where "Reveal in Finder" wouldn't work on an image after it had passed through the ImageAlpha node.
  • When the read folder is set to be recursive, it will now make sure the images are written out in the original folder structure that they were read as. If you were using the "Source Folder" token in the write node, you might need to remove it for things to work as they did previously.
  • Retrobatch will now try and recreate write folders if they've been deleted while Retrobatch wasn't running (this will require a re-save of your Retrobatch documents with version 1.0.2).
  • Fixed an issue with Pro upgrade registrations not working correctly.
  • Added a warning when the tokens used in the File name field for the write node come up empty (for instance, if you had a Capture Date token in the file name, but there was no date for the image, so the filename would be blank).
  • Throttling the thumbnail loading background thread a bit, since it turns out some of you have folders full of 100 megapixel images and that tends to kill your computer if you try and load thumbnails for 16 of those images at once.
  • Added new Edit ▸ Select Next Node & Select Previous Node menu items, which helps with Accessibility as well as everyone in general.
  • Added support for Voice Over.
  • Fixed a problem where older macs without Metal support might not see the image preview.
  • Fixed a problem where images with indexed color profiles couldn't be resized.
Retrobatch 1.0.1 June 1, 2018.
Changes and Fixes
  • Fixed a couple of memory leaks.
  • Fixed a problem where empty file name tokens in the write node could cause Retrobatch to crash.
  • Retrobatch now accepts upgrade registration numbers from regular to Pro.
Retrobatch 1.0 May 29th, 2018.
  • Hello world.