List of Nodes
To view which nodes are only available in the Pro version of Retrobatch, read here.
Read Images
Clipboard: Copy an image from the clipboard and process it, or optionally write a processed image to the clipboard. Or do both! Take an image from the clipboard, process it, and then copy it back.
Download URL: Downloads an image (hopefully) from a given URL.
Photos Library: Read images directly from your Photos library.
Prompt for Files: Prompt for files or a folder of images (and optionally subfolders).
RAW Process: Processes RAW images before converting them to the RGB color space.
Read Folder: Read a folder (and optionally subfolders) of images.
Read Individual Files: Read a single file, or multiple files from different locations.
Write Images
Open In App: Open a saved image in a chosen application.
Write Images: Write out images to a folder, optionally converting them to GIF, HEIC, JPEG, JPEG (NozJPEG), JPEG2k, JPEG-XL, PDF, PNG, PSD (Single Layer), TIFF, TGA, WebP.
Write Symlink: Write a unix symbolic link to the last written location of an image.
Box Blur: Smooths or sharpens an image using a box-shaped convolution kernel.
Gaussian Blur: Spreads source pixels by an amount specified by a Gaussian distribution.
Noise Reduction: Reduces noise using a threshold value to define what is considered noise. Small changes in luminance below that value are considered noise and get a noise reduction treatment, which is a local blur. Changes above the threshold value are considered edges, so they are sharpened.
Pixelate: Makes an image blocky.
Color Adjustment
Alpha Multiply: Apply a bias against the alpha values in an image.
Auto Enhance: Automatically applies filters to your image to enhance your photographs.
Change Color Profile: Assigns a new color profile to an image.
Color Controls: Adjusts saturation, brightness, and contrast values.
Exposure Adjust: Adjusts the exposure setting for an image similar to the way you control exposure for a camera when you change the F-stop.
Gamma Adjust: Adjusts midtone brightness. This filter is typically used to compensate for nonlinear effects of displays. Adjusting the gamma effectively changes the slope of the transition between black and white.
Instant Alpha: Removes pixels from your image based on sampling location and tolerance.
Mask To Alpha: Converts a grayscale image to a white image that is masked by alpha. Additional option to invert colors before and after the mask.
Opacity: Adjust the opacity of an image.
Replace Color: Finds a specific color and replaces it with another.
Vibrance: Adjusts the saturation of an image while keeping pleasing skin tones.
Color Effect
1Bit: Black. Or white. Pick two.
Add Border: Add a solid color border to your images.
Color Invert: Inverts the colors in an image.
Color Posterize: Remaps red, green, and blue color components to the number of brightness values you specify for each color component. This filter flattens colors to achieve a look similar to that of a silk-screened poster.
Dither: Apply a dither to your image.
Document Enhancer: Enhance a document image by removing unwanted shadows, whitening the background, and enhancing contrast.
Drop Shadow: Creates a drop shadow for the transparent areas of your image.
False Color: Maps luminance to a color ramp of two colors. False color is often used to process astronomical and other scientific data, such as ultraviolet and X-ray images.
Film Grain: Add a Film Grain to your images.
Grayscale: Turns a colored image into grayscale with optional red, blue, and green biases. Black and white only option available as well.
Matte: Adds a colored background to transparent images.
Photo Chrome: Apply a “Chrome” style effect to an image.
Photo Fade: Apply a “Fade” style effect to an image.
Photo Instant: Apply an “Instant” style effect to an image.
Photo Mono: Apply a “Mono” style effect to an image.
Photo Noir: Apply a “Noir” style effect to an image.
Photo Process: Apply a “Process” style effect to an image.
Photo Tonal: Apply a “Tonal” style effect to an image.
Photo Transfer: Apply a “Transfer” style effect to an image.
Sepia Tone: Maps the colors of an image to various shades of brown.
Vignette: Apply a vignette to your image.
X-Ray: Apply an “XRay” style effect to an image.
Acorn Image Maker: Combine any images to pass the node into a multi-layered Acorn file.
Animated Image: Creates an animated GIF or PNG, with options to set the frames per second (FPS) and optional looping.
Duplicate: This node takes a single image, copies it, and sends it on to the next node(s) for each copy.
Image Grid: Place images into a grid.
Layer & Page Splitter: Split up animated GIFs, PNGs, TIFFs, PDFs, Icon, PSD, and Acorn files.
PDF Image Extractor: Extract images from PDF files.
PDF Maker: Combine any images to pass the node into a multi-page PDF.
PSD Maker: Combine any images to pass the node into a multi-layered Photoshop file.
Screenshots & Windows: Produces an image for every visible window on your computer, or one image for every screen.
Style Transfer: Using machine learning, style transfer an image from a model.
Delete Metadata: Remove all metatdata from image, such as GPS, time picture created, lens information, etc. Useful when uploading to social sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
Extract Metadata: Export metadata information from an image in text or json file formats.
Fix EXIF Rotation: Rotates an image correctly based on its EXIF rotation setting.
Remove GPS: Removes the location metadata from images.
Remove Specific Metadata: Remove a wide array of metadata values in an image.
Set DPI: Change the DPI (dots per inch) setting for images.
Set General Metadata: Change a select few metadata values in an image.
Set Specific Metadata: Change a wide array of metadata values in an image.
Change Bits Per Channel: Change the bits per channel / component of images to 8, 16, or 32 bits.
Clipboard Watcher: Continuously run and run when a new image on the clipboard appears.
Contrast Stretch: Perform a contrast stretch filter on your image.
Custom Convolution: Create a custom convolution filter to use on your images.
Delay: Pauses the processing of the images for a set amount of time.
Extract Depth Image: Copies out the depth image from images which contain it.
Extract Disparity Image: Copies out the disparity data from images which contain it.
Extract Portrait Matte: Copies out the iOS 12 Portrait Matte from images which contain it.
Extract Text: Analyzes images using machine learning to find any text for use in image meta data.
Finder Icon Writer: Set the Finder icon for the image being processed.
Get Selected Finder Images Uses any selected images in the Finder for processing.
GPS Location Assign a specific location to your images using the GPS image metadata fields.
Image Diff: Compute the difference between every other images colors.
Image Equalization: Perform an image equalization filter on your image.
Indexed PNG: Create indexed PNGs, resulting in smaller file sizes.
Limit: Limit the number of images that can pass through this node
Linear Gradient: Adds a blendable gradient to your image.
Oval Matte: Adds an oval matte to your image
PDF Quartz Filter: Apply various system PDF filters to your PDFs.
Periodic Run: Run the workflow every x number of seconds.
Premultiply: Multiplies the image’s RGB values by its alpha values.
QR Code: Add a QR Code to your images, with various settings.
Quit Retrobatch: A node to use for when you want Retrobatch to quit when the workflow is done processing.
Radial Gradient: Adds a blendable radial gradient to your image.
Round Corners: Rounds of the corners of your images.
Set App Icon: Simple JS Plugin.
Set Finder Tags: Set one or more Finder tags for images.
Single Transparent Pixel: Puts a single transparent pixel in the bottom left corner of an image. Great for social sites which will otherwise compress your image if it has no transparency. Only TIFF, PNG, and JPEG2000 support transparency.
Truncate JPEG Data: Removes empty data from the end of JPEG files which might have been added when transferring images from your iPhone or other iOS device to your Mac.
Unpremultiply: Divides the image’s RGB values by its alpha values.
Workflow Notes: Add some notes to your workflow for later reference.
Photos Library
Photos Export: Export all the images out of your photos library.
Photos Import: Import images to your photos library.
Write Back Photos: This will send back edited imageds to your Photos Library.
AppleScript Run an AppleScript file as part of your workflow.
JavaScript: Run a JavaScript file as part of your workflow.
Shell Script Run a ShellScript file as part of your workflow.
Sharpen Luminance: Increases image detail by sharpening. It operates on the luminance of the image; the chrominance of the pixels remains unaffected.
Unsharp Mask: Increases the contrast of the edges between pixels of different colors in an image.
Classify Images: Analyzes images using machine learning to try and figure out subjects present in the image. Useful when combined with the Rules node to filter out unwanted subjects.
Rules: Filter out images based on name, size, dpi, color profile, and more.
Adjust Margins: Adjusts the margins of your images by specific dimensions.
Auto Level (Straighten): Have Retrobatch take a best guess at leveling out your image.
Crop: Crops your images by a specific dimension.
Crop to Face: Locates faces in your image and crops around it.
Flip: Flips an image vertical, horizontal, or both.
Make Square: Makes your image square by increasing the dimensions, or cropping.
Multi Scale: Resizes an image multiple times, making copies for each resize to be processed by the next node.
Rotate: Rotates images by a given amount. The "cumulative" option works great if you want to duplicate an image a bunch of times then rotate each image progressively by a set amount.
Scale: Resizes an image with various quality settings.
Super Resolution: Use machine learning to smart scale your image to a larger size.
Trim To Edges: Trims the image down by removing any transparent edges
Image Watermark: Add an image watermark image to images. Choose the file to use as a watermark, and adjust its scale, opacity, blending mode, and check the 'tile' box if desired.
Overlay: Set a background image to draw all your workflow images above. Adjust scale, placement, opacity, blend mode, and more.
Text Watermark: Add a text watermark to images, with various settings. Token options available from the cogwheel drop down menu include:
Capture Date: Original capture date for the image if one is present in the image metadata. The date format is modifiable. The capture date can be modified by using the Delete Metadata node, then adding the Set Specific Metadata node and editing TIFF ▸ Date Time.
Current Date: The current date as obtained from the macOS. The date format is modifiable.
Author: Options for editing the author include the node 'Set General Metadata', and 'Set Specific Metadata' under PNG ▸ Author and TIFF ▸ Artist.
©: Basic copyright symbol.
Copyright: Options for editing the copyright include the node 'Set General Metadata', and 'Set Specific Metadata' under PNG ▸ Copyright, IPTC ▸ Copyright Notice, and TIFF ▸ Copyright.
Description: Options for editing the description include the node 'Set General Metadata', and 'Set Specific Metadata' under PNG ▸ Description.
File Name: The file name of the image. The filename of the currently selected image can be seen by clicking on the 'i' in the lower righthand corner of the canvas.
Color Profile: The color profile of the image, such as sRBGB or generic RGB. The color profile of the currently selected image can be seen by clicking on the 'i' in the lower righthand corner of the canvas.
DPI: Dots per inch or pixels per inch value. The DPI of the currently selected image can be seen by clicking on the 'i' in the lower righthand corner of the canvas.
Image Height: The height of the image in pixels.
Image Width: The width of the image in pixels.
Keywords: The keywords of the currently selected image can be seen by clicking on the 'i' in the lower righthand corner of the canvas. Keywords can be set in the 'Set Specific Metadata' node via IPTC ▸ Keywords.
Pixel Depth: The pixel depth of the image, frequently 24 or 32.
File Number: The image number as it falls in the sequence of being processed.
Source Folder: The source folder from where the image was originally located.
Blending Mode Definitions
Compositing is the process of taking one or more images and putting them together into a single image. This is what Retrobatch does when it puts a watermark on top of an image, forming a single image. Retrobatch gives you the ability to decide how the watermark is drawn, which is known as its "blend mode". You may want to change a watermark's blend mode depending on how you want it to appear. The default blending mode is Normal. The best way to become familiar with blending modes is to play around and experiment. Note: Descriptions taken from Apple's Quartz 2D Programming Guide
Normal: The default blend mode. Retrobatch draws the watermark on top of the image below, without any specific blending tricks.
Darken: Works by keeping whichever pixels are darker on the watermark or the main image.
Color Burn: Darkens the main image over the watermark. White produces no change.
Color Dodge: Brighten the main image over the watermark. Black produces no change.
Linear Burn: Sums the value in the main image and watermark and subtracts 1. This is the same as inverting each image, adding them together (as in Linear Dodge), and then inverting the result. Blending with white leaves the image unchanged.
Linear Dodge: Sums the values in the two images. Blending with white gives white. Blending with black does not change the image.
Color: Uses the luminance values of the main image with the hue and saturation values of the watermark. This mode preserves the gray levels in the image.
Screen: Multiplies the inverse of the watermark with the inverse of the main image to obtain colors that are at least as light as either of the two contributing colors. Screening any color with white will produce white while screening with black will leave the original color unchanged.
Lighten: The opposite of Darken, the Lighten blend mode draws whichever parts are lighter on the watermark or the main image.
Hue: Uses the luminance and saturation values of the main image with the hue of the watermark.
Saturation: Uses the luminance and hue values of the main image with the saturation of the watermark. Pure gray areas do not produce a change.
Difference: Subtracts either the watermark color from the main image color, or the reverse, depending on which has the greater brightness value. Watermark values that are black produce no change; white inverts the main image color values.
Addition: Looks at the color information in each channel, and adds the watermark color to the main image color.
Subtract: Looks at the color information in each channel and subtracts the watermark color from the main image color.
Divide: Looks at the color information in each channel and divides the watermark color from the main image color.
Multiply: Multiplies the watermark with the main image. The resulting color is at least as dark as either the source or background color. Multiplying any color with black will give black, and multiplying any color with white preserves the original color.
Exclusion: Produces a lower-contrast version of the difference blend mode. Watermark values that are black do not produce a change; white inverts the main image color values.
Luminosity: Uses the hue and saturation of the main image with the luminance of the watermark to create an effect that is inverse to the effect created by the color blend mode.
Pin Light: Replaces the colors, depending on the blend color. If the blend color (light source) is lighter than 50% gray, pixels darker than the blend color are replaced, and pixels lighter than the blend color do not change. If the blend color is darker than 50% gray, pixels lighter than the blend color are replaced, and pixels darker than the blend color do not change.
Soft Light: Either darkens or lightens colors, depending on the watermark color. If the watermark color is lighter than 50% gray, the main image lightens, similar to dodging. If the watermark color is darker than 50% gray, the main image darkens, similar to burning.
Hard Light: Either multiplies or screens colors, depending on the watermark color. If the watermark color is lighter than 50% gray, the main image is lightened, similar to screening. If the watermark color is darker than 50% gray, the main image is darkened, similar to multiplying.
Mask: Works under the same principles as a layer mask. White in the watermark will expose pixels in the main image below, where as black hides them.
Overlay: Either multiplies or screens the watermark with the main image, depending on the color of the main image. The result is to overlay the watermark while preserving the highlights and shadows of the main image.
Source Atop: The area of the watermark which overlaps the main image replaces that area of the main image, with the remaining area retained.