Flying Meat releases VoodooPad 1.1

ST. LOUIS, MO - Oct 12, 2003

Flying Meat today released the final version of VoodooPad 1.1, first place winner of the O'Reilly Mac OS X Innovators Contest, round two.

VoodooPad is a flexible note taking & information manager that brings to the desktop the collaborative nature of online websites known as "Wikis".

But VoodooPad doesn't stop there. VoodooPad 1.1 improves on the previous version by allowing the user to export to their iPod notes folder for viewing data on the go, exporting to html for uploading to websites is a snap, and allowing editing and saving of pages to a central server for multi-user collaboration.

"Using VoodooPad makes me wish the whole web was so easily edited." - Jim Roepcke

VoodooPad also supports rich text markup and acts as a mini word processor so people can edit, spellcheck, and save documents in a single archive.

"With VoodooPad 1.1, people will be able to organize information in a way that makes sense to them, and in an easy to use fashion." said August Mueller, creator of VoodooPad. "Hyperlinking pages together to make a mini-website out of your brain just makes a lot of sense. That's what it does for you- it's a little brain that won't forget where your Aunt Mary lives or the where the website of the article you wanted to read later on was. "

VoodooPad makes it easy to write down and tuck away information in a simple, and intuitive interface.

Pricing & Availability

VoodooPad 1.1 is available now for $19.95 (US). Visit download a trial copy or make a purchase.

Press Contact:

August Mueller