JavaScript Plugins for Retrobatch Pro 1.2 and later
To install one of these plugins, download and unzip the file. Then double click on it to open in Retrobatch, and it'll handle the rest for you.Add Random Dots
This is a example plug-in which adds random colorful dots to an image.
Download: Add Dots.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Add Round Rect Border
This is a example plug-in which adds a border to an image, with rounded corners.
Download: Add Round Rect Border.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Ask For Name and Increment
Prompt for a file name, and then for every image after that add an underscore and the image number.
Download: AskForNameAndIncrement.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Convert to WebP
Convert your images to Google's WebP format.
Download: Convert to WebP.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.1+ and MacOS 10.14.0+
Crop to Aspect Ratio
This plugin will crop an image to a given aspect ratio.
Download: CropToAspectRatio.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Cumulative Rotate JS
Rotate an image by an amount that increments with each image that passes through.
Download: Cumulative Rotate.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Curved Drop Shadow
Add a curved drop shadow along with a border to your image.
Download: Curved Drop Shadow.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Custom File Counter
Counts the images coming through and assigns that value to a custom meta field which can be used down the node chain.
Download: CustomFileCounter.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Dither in JS
An example showing how to do a dither in pure JavaScript. Requires Retrobatch 1.4.2 or later.
Download: DitherInJS.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Duplicate JS
This plugin takes a single image, copies it, and sends it on to the next node(s) for each copy.
Download: Duplicate Images.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Filter Landscape & Portrait
Tells Retrobatch to either allow or reject landscape or portrait images.
Download: Separate Landscape and Portrait.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Fixed Width Multi-scale
Resize an image multiple times to a fixed width, values comma separated, with an optional name. Eg: "100 foo_small, 200 foo_med, 400", where the 400 width version keeps the original name.
Download: FixedWidthMultiScale.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Fuzzy Date Set
This is an example plugin that will set the metadata date information in an image based off the file name.
Download: FuzzyDateSet.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Place random graffiti on your image using Core Graphics as well as Core Image.
Download: Graffiti.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Grayscale in JS
An example showing how to convert an image to grayscale using only JavaScript. Requires Retrobatch Pro 1.4.2 or later.
Download: GrayscaleInJS.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Match DPI To Width
Changes the DPI of the image to match a certain width for printing.
Download: Match DPI To Width.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
My Sample Plugin
This plugin can be copied and modified to fit your needs.
Download: SampleTemplate.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Nine Tile Split
Split up an image into nine different images.
Download: Nine Tile.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Print Classifications
This is a plug-in which prints out to the JavaScript console, the first 10 classifications of an image. This node is to be used after the Classify Images node. Requires Retrobatch 2.2.2
Download: PrintClassifications.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 2.2.2+ and MacOS 11.0+
Pull Thumbnails
Pulls thumbnails from an image's metadata, if present.
Download: Pull Out Thumbnails.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Quit Retrobatch
A node that quits Retrobatch, which you might find useful for use with Droplets. Requires Retrobatch 1.4.3 or later.
Download: Quit Retrobatch.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Remove Sub Folder Info
This removes the subfolder information from an asset, so when written it'll not keep the original folder heirarchy it started with. This plugin uses a private API, and might break in a future release.
Download: RemoveSubFolderMeta.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Resize To Ratio
Resize and crop images to a specific ratio
Download: ResizeToRatio.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Set App Icon
Given an image with a file name the same as an application bundle id, this plugin will look up the app and set a custom icon for it. For example, if you pass along an image named 'com.flyingmeat.Retrobatch.png', the image will used as a custom icon for Retrobatch.
Download: SetAppIcon.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Set Date Meta From Filename
Set the exif timestamp based on a file name (in the format of 20181218_012026.png).
Download: Set Date Meta From Filename.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Set Original Create and Modified Dates
The the Finder create and modified dates for the written images based on the original. This node must come after a write node.
Download: Set Original Create and Modified Dates.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Split image
Slice up an image into multiple parts.
Download: Split Image.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Two Stitch
Put two images together, horizontally or vertically.
Download: Two Stitch.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Web Safe Names
Rename files so they can safely be used in a web browser, replacing anything that's not a letter or number to an underscore.
Download: WebSafeFileNames.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Write as ICO
This is a example plug-in which writes out images as Microsoft Icon files (ICO).
Download: WriteICO.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 10.12.0+
Write as TGA
This is a example plug-in which writes out images as TGA files.
Download: WriteTGA.retrobatchplugin.zipRequires Retrobatch 1.2.0+ and MacOS 11.0+