VoodooPad 5.2d1 2013
- Fixed a crasher when exporting to PDF on 10.9.
- Fixed a bug when exporting for web with the downloadable web app setting wasn't writitng out correct app.manifest files when pages has spaces in the name.
- Fixed a bug where using the clear formatting text style would cause VP to crash if the cursor was at the very end of a text page with no selection.
- Fixed a bug where the VP would crash when using the built in webserver to load a page that was missing in the bundle.
- ePub fixes.
- No longer warning about formatting loss on plain text or makrdown pages when using the Edit In… menu item.
- Web Export will now try and write out image tags with width/height for embedded images in RTF pages, and do the right thing with regards to DPI so that you can have retina ready images in your document.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn images weren't rendered at the correct DPI in rich text pages.
- Fixed a bug where linking to PDF files on the web export page index wasn't working.
VoodooPad 5.1.2 February 22, 2013
- Fixed a bug where decrypting a document didn't remove an important bit of info that VP iOS used to determine if a document was encrypted or not.
- Fixed a bug where imported Markdown files were getting the wrong UTI set.
- Fixed a bug where importing Markdown files via AppleScript didn't work correctly.
- Fixed a crasher with web export.
- Fixed bug where the staticExportItemWillBegin function wasn't called with Static publishing.
VoodooPad 5.1.1 September 10, 2012
- Fixed a problem where exceptions were being thrown at startup on a future OS release.
- Fixed a crashing bug with the web server.
- Fixed a bug in Static where choosing the various "Open Event Script" from the action menu would automatically re-create the Hello World page.
- Fixed an exception in the linkedPageNamesInAttributedString: plugin API.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the web export panel would load a value for the preflight script when it wasn't support to.'
- Fixed a bug where the Format ▸ Convert Page To ▸ Plain Text menu item had a checkbox next to it if a page was Markdown.
VoodooPad 5.1 August 28th, 2012
New Stuff:
- Static, an advanced and powerful Markdown blogging tool with scriptlet support. Read all about it in the documentation.
- Syncable, per document, preset text styles: Create a rich text page named "VPDocumentTextStyles" in your document and place a new text style on each line of the page. They will then show up in the Text Styles palette, and sync across computers.
- Two way sync between VoodooPad for iOS and Desktop VoodooPad. VoodooPad will talk to its iOS sibling over the local Wifi and figure out which pages need to be copied over, and back. Basically, whoever was the last to edit a page wins. The iOS sync sheet has also been updated to show a little icon which will let you know if it's a one way sync (in the case of VP Reader, or a two way sync for VP iOS).
- You can now select a cover image when exporting to ePub, which will be used in iTunes as a little thumbnail for the book.
- When importing an image into a Markdown page (via drag+drop with the option key down), VoodooPad will insert the correct image tags to make it show up.
- New page event: textViewWillDisplay(document, page, textView). You can use this to customize a text view (like adding custom margins) before the text view shows up on screen
Changed Stuff:
- Mac App Store versions of VoodooPad are now sandboxed.
- Two finger swiping is now the default for going back and forth (and always using the natural direction for this)
- The location of your last web export is now stored as a document property instead as a per-machine preference.
- When opening a document without a page cahce, VP will now display a little dialog saying "hey, this might take a minute please hold on". It's rare to ever see this, but it can happen.
- Updated to MultiMarkdown version 3.6.
- The Index page is now moved to the very first page on PDF export if you choose "All Pages" instead of a collection.
- Renamed File ▸ Export ▸ "Export to iPhone or iPad…" to "Sync with iPhone or iPad…", since it's a sync now with VoodooPad for iOS.
Fixed Stuff:
- Fixed a bug where synced pages were sometimes not getting their content updated for the search index.
- Fixed a bug where putting $ in the web export template would sometimes mess up page macros.
- Fixed a bug where calling the plugin API setExtraObject:forKey: would sometimes fail to save.
- The escape key now works to close the services action window.
- Fixed a bug where pressing return at the start of a line with a checkbox on it would sometimes cause a crash.
- Fixed a bug where CJK characters that were right next to each other were not linking up correctly for web export.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong mime type was used on ePub export and embedded images in pages.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't double click on VoodooPad documents in the Finder to open them, after running AppleScript against VoodooPad.
VoodooPad 5.0.3 July 24, 2012
- Various fixes when running on 10.8 Mountain Lion.
- Change: Tweaked the search index a bit.
- Fixed a bug where Markdown pages would bold and italic text in code sections (it's not supposed to).
- Fixed a bug where inline images in Markdown pages were not present when exporting to ePub.
- Fixed a crasher when exporting to a PDF and VoodooPad encountered a bad URL.
- Fixed a bug where images weren't showing for web export when a page name had a colon in it.
- Fixes when using web export with a HiDPI display connected.
- Fix: Various ePub fixes.
- Fix: Now signed with Developer ID, making folks on 10.8 happy.
- Fix: Fixed a potential conflict when editing two images from two different pages (opened in different tabs) at the same time.
- Fix: Markdown page anchors are now working.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where you could convert an encrypted RTF page to Markdown and lose some data.
- Fix: Excessive disk churning when opening up a document has been fixed.
VoodooPad 5.0.2 May 23, 2012
- New: The new page type popup now includes shortcuts.
- New: The todos palette now remembers the width of the columns between launches.
- New: VoodooPad now supports ical: URLs.
- New: The status bar now gives instructions on how to clear up sync conflicts when they occur for a page.
- New: Pressing tab after starting a Markdown bullet will indent the list.
- New: Pressing enter on the end of a Markdown bullet line will either dedent, or delete the bullet.
- Change: Added a menu item under the Help menu to bring up VoodooPad's welcome window.
- Change: When you open up a page in a new window, it is now offset a little bit from the window it was opened from.
- Fix: Fixed an issues where PDF pages weren't showing up correctly on 10.7.4
- Fix: The last font name in the Type palette's font family popup no longer has a checkmark as a permanent friend.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where tags were not properly synced.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where links made via Edit ▸ Link Selection to Page… were not working for PDF export.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where images for Markdown previews weren't showing up when giving fully qualified URLs.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where images weren't showing up for Markdown pages and PDF Preview.
- Fix: Fixed a problem were aliases weren't matched up correctly when imported VoodooPad document XML files.
- Fix: Corrected the wording in the webserver on how to turn on HTTP access for documents.
- Fix: The "Resize window for full screen" preference actually works now.
- Fix: No longer importing folders or files whos file name starts with a '.'.
- Fix: VP will now display text files (such as .m, .h, etc) as long as its UTI conforms to kUTTypePlainText.
- Fix: Fixed an importing problem where .docx files were not converted to RTFD pages correctly.
- Fix: Now making sure the Strikeout plugin only works on rich text pages.
- Fix: Fixed a problem where checkboxes were showing up incorrectly on web export.
- Fix: Markdown pages now render correctly when viewed in the web server.
- Fix: PDF Preview for Markdown now works better for mültibyte characters.
- Fix: Import fixes.
- Fix: Various Markdown editing fixes.
- Fix: CJK text now renders correctly in Markdown pages.
VoodooPad 5.0.1 May 2, 2012
- Fix: AddressBook links and other plugins now work again for App Store builds.
- Fix: The Send To Plugin now works correctly for plain text and Markdown pages.
- Fix: Fixed a clipping problem in the info palette.
- Fix: Cleaned up some unecessary console logging.
- Fix: Various crashers.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where making a new page with the type set to plain text would give you a rich text page.
- Change: No longer showing @todo entries which have a strike through attribute set on it.
- Change: German localization updates
VoodooPad 5 April 21, 2012
- New: AppleScript support for exporting documents as ePub and PDF.
- New: Native Markdown page type.
- New: Two finger magic trackpad swipes will now let you navigate the back/forward tab history.
- New: You can now export a document as ePub, and reference a collection to order the output of pages.
- New: A brand new "Collections" palette that will allow you to create a visual hierarchy of pages in your document.
- New: A new menu item to get a PDF preview of a page under the View menu.
- New: Added a "Add to Current VoodooPad Page" service.
- New: Added a "Save a Copy As..." command to the File menu.
- New: Added a contextual menu to tabs that allows all other tabs to be closed, or the selected tab to be moved to a new window.
- New: Added a Page Anchors panel to the palette to streamline anchor management.
- New: Added a pref for plain text fonts. Finally!
- New: Added a Todo palette view. Find all your @todo's in one place.
- New: Added a VoodooPad QuickLook plugin.
- New: Added exact phrase matching to the "Find in Document..." and "Find in Page..." functions.
- New: Added the ability to add a password to a document created with the "Split Document..." command.
- New: Added the ability to drag a group of messages from Mail to create multiple links at once.
- New: Added the ability to filter the list of items in the Pages palette.
- New: Added the ability to zoom while viewing a PDF item.
- New: All the toolbar icons have been updated for the mythical HighDPI displays we'll get some day.
- New: Backlinks and Todos are calculated across multiple threads now. So it's now a little bit faster.
- New: Brand new preference to use an inspector bar for text pages.
- New: Checkboxs can now be created in rich text documents.
- New: Clicking on a link with the middle mouse button will now open the page in a new tab.
- New: Control-clicking on a file alias will add a "Reveal in Finder" menu item.
- New: Embedded PDF files now remember whether or not they should automatically resize.
- New: If VoodooPad detects a sync conflict (from dropbox, or whatever you're using) it'll show warning stripes in the toolbar. You can resolve the conflict by using the Edit ▸ Resolve Sync Conflict… menu item.
- New: If you have a page named "VPJSPrefixScript", it will be run as JavaScript before scriptlets and page events. Put common methods and variables in there.
- New: Links to pages now work in PDF export.
- New: New hidden pref for setting the inset of text pages: defaults write com.flyingmeat.VoodooPad textViewInset 10
- New: New plugin API to add an alias to a page: - (BOOL)addAlias:(NSString*)aliasName forItemUUID:(NSString*)uuid;
- New: New View ▸ Show / Hide Format Bar menu item.
- New: Ordered lists on markdown pages (ie, 1., 2., etc) will count up when you add a newline at the end of the list item.
- New: Page objects now have a new interface to appending a string to a page: -(void)appendString:(NSString*)s
- New: Previewing Markdown pages with image references in them (ie, images which are embedded in your VP Document) will now show up in the HTML preview ""
- New: QuickLook previews for the spotlight index files.
- New: The "Save to VoodooPad" PDF Service is no longer automatically installed. Instead, there is a new preference in the Advanced section to install / uninstall it.
- New: The Document word count plugin is much faster now, and works updates as it works in the background.
- New: The File ▸ Print Document command has been removed in favor of the File ▸ Export Document ▸ Export As PDF… command. The PDF export works much faster now, and you can choose which pages to export by pointing to a specific collection.
- New: The search tab will now show proper display for PDFs and Markdown pages.
- New: The start window now has a list of recently opened documents.
- New: There is now a Format ▸ Convert Page To ▸ menu item which will convert your page between rich text, plain text, and markdown page formats.
- New: There's a new "New Document…" menu item in the Dock for creating a new document.
- New: There's a new Cocoa api on the document class for renaming pages: "- (BOOL)renameItemWithUUID:(NSString*)uuid to:(NSString*)newName"
- New: There's a new option to turn off automatic links per document (which you can enable via the document info palette).
- New: Updated the Edit menu with new Spelling and Grammar, Substitutions, Transformations, and Speech sub menus.
- New: Using the File ▸ Export Page As… menu item on a markdown page will now prompt you to save it as a makrdown or HTML file.
- New: VPRequire function for event pages, which will evaluate the give page as JavaScript, or from a file in ~/Library/Application Support/VoodooPad/JavaScript Modules/.
- New: When a document wide search returns a PDF, the search term will now be highlighted in the shown PDF.
- New: When exporting to PDF, scriptlets are now rendered in the RTF.
- New: When pressing option-delete on a line with nothing but whitespace, VP will now do the right thing and just delete to the beginning of that line, instead of on through to the last word on the previous line. Seriously, why is the previous behavior considered the right way to do things?
- New: When using Edit ▸ Complete Page Name to autocomplete names- the popup now uses the correct case for the page names (instead of being all lowercase)
- New: When using the Format ▸ Make Bullet Item menu on a Markdown page, VP will insert a * instead of an •
- New: You can drag and drop a large selection of links from a page into the collections palette. This is useful if you've got a table of contents page that you'd like to use for the collections as well.
- New: You can now export a single page as RTF, RTFD, Plain Text, Word 97 Format (.doc), Word 2003 Format (.xml), Word 2007 Format (.docx), and OpenDocument Text (.odt)
- New: You can now have a VPWebExportScript page, which alters the behavior of the Web Export. Simply create the VPWebExportScript and it will auto-populate with the required methods.
- Change: after a one time slowish open, documents with lots of pages should be opening faster.
- Change: Command-R is now set to the standard command of "Show Ruler". This shortcut used to be used for running the page as a shell script, which no longer has a shortcut assigned to it.
- Change: Event scripts are all gone now. They have been replaced with the VPDocumentEventScript, VPPageEventScript, and VPWebExportScript pages. Missing is anything for the built in web server- if you used that and absolutely want it back, write support and let us know.
- Change: Getting a list of pages when using AppleScript now returns all pages including images and other types, instead of just rich text pages.
- Change: Moved around some prefs, and the "double click image editor" pref is now a popup button.
- Change: Removed the "Open Recent" menu item from the Dock menu, since it duplicated behavior already present in 10.7.
- Change: Removed the pref "self referencing links".
- Change: Renamed the Services menu items to include "VoodooPad".
- Change: Since the lua bridge only supports 32bit systems, it does not load when Voodoopad is launched in 64bits. Please convert your scripts to Python or JavaScript for 64bit support.
- Change: The document event scripts (open, will close, closed) have been removed and replaced with the VPDocumentEventScript page.
- Change: The NewPageTemplate, WebExportPageTemplate, WebExportPostflightScript, and WebExportPreflightScript pages have been renamed to VPNewPageTemplate, VPWebExportPageTemplate, VPWebExportPostflightScript, and VPWebExportPreflightScript. VoodooPad will automatically update these for you if they are around.
- Change: The page event scripts (opened, closed, created, deleted) have been removed in favor of a single VPPageEventScript page. Make that page, and VP will autofill the correct JavaScript functions for you.
- Change: The script icon menu is gone. Did anyone ever use this?
- Change: The search tab view's modified date field is a bit wider now, and the search score is more accurate with lots of results.
- Change: The Tasks palette has been renamed to Activity.
- Change: The various web export event script triggers have been removed. The VPWebExportScript replaces this.
- Change: the VoodooPadPDFPrintScriptPage has been renamed to VPPDFExportScript
- Change: updated the default VPWebExportPageTemplate page to be plain text by default, use a scriptlet expression for the title, and marked for no export.
- Fix: Fixed a bug that caused the value of the "Check Spelling While Typing" option to be forgotten.
- Fix: If the insertion point was between a word and punctuation, without any selection, making a link would use the punctuation instead of the word. This has been corrected.
- Fix: If you use "Save PDF in VoodooPad" from the print sheet of another application, and there are no documents open in VoodooPad, then it'll warn you about that problem.
- Fix: Previously when using the styles palette to clear formatting inside of a table, VP would move the text outside of the aforementioned table. This has been corrected.
- Fix: The todo palette no longer cares about case when sorting page name.
- Fix: Unnecessary spotlight index files now get deleted properly.
- Fixed a bug that allowed AddressBook links to appear in documents even if the "Allow links from plugins" option was turned off.
- Fixed a bug that caused the first line of a multi-page document to print in the wrong location.